Tuesday, April 5, 2011

CHAPTER TWELVE: New Media And Public Relations

With the advent of the internet and other new media platforms like podcasts, many new and creative avenues are opened up for PR agencies to run their campaigns. Many advertising and PR agencies now consider the internet as one of the main media channels to conduct campaigns. In fact, through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, entire campaigns may be run online without the need for physical events.

While some might argue that an "online experience" will not be able to rival "real" experiences, there are several advantages that an online PR or advertising campaign may have when compared to running an actual, physical campaign or event.


As significantly less physical resources and manpower are needed, costs can be cut from these areas. Approaches such as VIRAL MARKETING can even be done for free. Although this technique has been used even before the advent of the internet, the viral process which helps to build brand awareness is multiplied through the network capabilities of the internet. Videos on Youtube, for example, cost very little to manufacture. Yet, they have the potential to generate large amounts of publicity.

This is a funny viral video discussing viral marketing.


As mentioned previously, the internet is a global platform. A physical event held on a single day at a single location can only reach a certain number of people. However, a single website has the potential to reach billions of viewers all over the globe. The video below is an advertisement by a company that believes in the power of marketing/advertising through the internet.

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter also offer many opportunities for companies to conduct PR campaigns. However, with all the advantages these sites offer, one has to be aware of the disadvantages as well. The video below takes a candid look at what plus and minus points an individual may have when using Facebook. Although the video addresses more of personal issues that users may experience, some of these issues will be similar to challenges faced by PR companies who are trying to utilise these online platforms.


  1. Hi Syaz,

    I'm a little confused after watching Mr Darth Vader's viral marketing video. It's humor aside, so you think viral marketing is really such a powerful tool?

    Nowadays, companies are increasingly using viral marketing to gain a huge following. This is done mostly through YouTube, Facebook or blogs. The frequent use of them results in repetitive ideas, and bores the whole concept of viral marketing altogether. Are there any other publicity stunt besides viral marketing that you would like you highlight? I, for one, love guerrilla advertising.

    Would like to hear your thoughts about this!

  2. Hello, blog buddy.

    Well, personally, I feel that viral marketing is something that will never get old. There are probably as many viral marketing ideas as there are YouTube videos.

    Just as musicians keep coming up with new ideas for music videos, advertisers and PR agencies will keep coming up with new and fresh ideas to get things to go viral.

    And YES, I really do feel that viral marketing is a powerful tool.

    I mean, just ask yourself, how many times have you seen something interesting on YouTube and "shared" it on Facebook? Now imagine billions of other internet users doing the same thing. The potential is definitely there.

    Having said that, I personally prefer the experiential approach to get your product noticed. However, since this chapter focuses on new media, I decided to highlight viral marketing.
